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FICSET Meet & Greet

09 May 2024
Stop by the Student Lounge to learn more about the amazing online resource of FICSET, grab some snacks and get to know your FIC community!
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Business & Film Presents: Wall Street!

01 December 2022
Need a break from studying for final exams? Interested in exploring business culture, films or both? Come join our instructors for a free movie screening of "Wall Street''!
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Business and Film Presents…Working Girl!

24 November 2022
Need a break from midterms? Interested in exploring business culture, films or both? Come join our instructors for a free movie screening of "Working Girl''!
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FIC Math Centre

09 November 2022
Midterm exam coming up? Have questions? Come visit our FIC Math Centre!
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Philosophy and Film Presents…Thelma & Louise!

10 November 2022
Need a break from midterms? Interested in philosophy, film or both? Come join our instructors Ian and Tim, for a free movie screening of "Thelma & Louise'' at FIC! Stay for engaging and philosophical discussion afterwards!
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Economics Q&A

03 November 2022
ECON midterm coming up? Come to this session! Bring questions!
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Eating for your GPA

31 October 2022
Did you know that having nutritious and healthy meals positively impacts your studies? It is important to eat healthy to have enough energy throughout the day and of course, for your studies. Join us to learn more about eating healthy and preparing nutritious meals to boost your energy and studies.
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Quoting and Citing in MLA

25 October 2022
Taking a Literature or Writing course at FIC? Need help with citing and quoting in MLA? Come to to this workshop and bring your questions!
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Choose the Right Support: Finding Legitimate Tutoring Services

13 October 2022
Finding support is very important as a student, but you need to understand Who and Where to go for help! All members of the FIC community are expected to uphold the values of academic integrity: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage. Join this session to learn more about Academic Integrity in Canada and why it's important to understand the tutoring services you are using.
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Eating for your GPA – Live Cooking Demos!

12 October 2022
Did you know that having nutritious and healthy meals positively impacts your studies? It is important to eat healthy to have enough energy throughout the day and of course, for your studies. Join us to learn more about eating healthy and preparing nutritious meals to boost your energy and studies.
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