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Health Sciences (BA)


International Year One (UTP Stage II): Health Sciences (BA): The interdisciplinary approach of SFU’s Health Sciences program encourages a broad exploration of diverse areas of study and will allow students to gain an excellent foundation in a variety of areas and choose the area of study they wish to specialize in when they progress to SFU.



  • 3 terms


  • January, May, September


  • Vancouver

Your direct pathway to Simon Fraser University

High School
2nd year Simon Fraser University

Entry to second year at SFU Health Sciences (BA)

Areas of study:

  • Behavioral Sciences
  • Health Education
  • International Health
  • Nutrition
  • Public Health Program Management
  • Development and Sustainability
  • Bioethics
  • Health Technology
  • Mental Health and Addiction
  • Global Health
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Environmental Health and Toxicology
  • Infectious Disease

For more information on SFU’s Faculty of Health Sciences.

You must complete a minimum of 10 academic courses at FIC with an overall GPA of 2.5 and with a grade of C- or better in all courses upon completion of International Year One (UTP Stage II), in order to be guaranteed admission to the Faculty of Health Sciences. Course offerings and required courses may change without notice. A student advisor can help you choose appropriate courses to satisfy SFU entry requirements. Your International Year One (UTP Stage II) Program may include a mandatory non-credit academic literary course.

Potential career paths

  • Health Services
  • Administration
  • Health Charities and Foundations
  • Public and Private Research
  • Health Prevention and Promotion
  • Waste-water Treatment
  • Pharmaceutical Sales
  • Rehabilitation Worker
  • Community Outreach Specialist
  • Environmental Health Officer
  • Health Ethicist
  • Health Records Professional
  • Infectious Disease Worker
  • Public Health Inspector
  • Health Product Regulation
  • Public Policy Analyst
  • Health Educator
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* Program fees are based on 30 credits of study at C$1,148.92 per credit. Students taking more than 30 credits of study will need to pay additional fees. Not for credit transfer Academic Literacy Course is a requirement for International Year One (UTP Stage II) Direct entry.

For the most up-to-date fees and charges, please visit:

Program Requirements

To transfer into the Faculty of Health Sciences, students must complete the requirements listed below, which include at least one ‘W’ and one ‘Q’ course.
-> What are ‘W’ and ‘Q’ courses?

A minimum GPA of 2.50, based on completion of 10 courses (at least 30 units, and with a grade of C- or better in all courses), will guarantee admittance to the Faculty of Health Sciences. In addition, a cumulative GPA of 2.5 is required for admission to the university.

All (All (direct) students are required to take (and pass) ILS101/ILSA101 – Integrated Learning Skills and ALC101/ALAC101 – Academic Literacy Course in their first term of study unless exempted. For ALC exempted requirements, please check the English requirements page*

Required Courses

BISC100 - Introduction to Biology

4 units
Faculty of Science – An introduction to the basic concepts of biology, emphasizing evolution as a unifying theme. Topics include cell structure, mitosis and meiosis, DNA structure and function, evolution and population and ecosystem ecology.


There is a $100 Lab fee associated with this course.
There is a $100 Book fee associated with this course.

BPK140 - Contemporary Health Issues (Formerly KIN140)

3 units
Faculty of Science – Explores health from a holistic perspective, in which health is viewed as physical, psychological, and social well-being. Considers genetics, environment, personal health behaviors (such as diet, exercise, stress management, and drug use), socioeconomic status, health care delivery systems, and aging with the intent to improve students' abilities to evaluate health information.


Not available to students on AP.

HSCI160 - Global Perspectives on Health

Breadth-Social Sciences (Effective Spring 2009)
3 units
Faculty of Health Sciences – The primary aim of the course is to engage and inspire students about the opportunities and challenges in global health. This is an overview of issues in global health from many different viewpoints and provides general understanding of factors/dynamics that affect the health of human populations and efforts to improve it. What is the difference between the health of an individual and the health of a population, vulnerable populations, and global population? What’s the burden of disease and who shoulders the greatest proportion of it? What are the determinants of health, what’s the role of culture, lifestyle, health beliefs, environmental factors, access to health services and other resources? The course will answer these and many other questions from the global perspective; it will also look at the changing pattern of population health and diseases in the world and will discuss major challenges and emerging issues.


No prerequisite required

PSYC109 - Brain, Mind and Society

3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – Introduces the student to issues in Psychology by surveying the research on brain and behaviour and the implications of this work for individuals and society. Beginning with neurons, this course explores the transition to human experience.


Open to students who have passed 3 UTP II Classes.

STAT203 - Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences

3 units
Faculty of Science / Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – Introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics aimed at students in the social sciences. Scales of measurement. Descriptive statistics. Measures of association. Hypothesis tests and confidence intervals. Intended to be particularly accessible to students who are not specializing in Statistics.


No prerequisite required


Choose one of the following courses:

MATH100 - Precalculus

3 units
Faculty of Science – Designed to prepare students for first year Calculus courses. Topics include language and notation of mathematics; problem solving; algebraic, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions and their graphs.


Math Check score (9-19) OR MTH099 with a B+ minimum grade OR MTH101 & MTH103 with a minimum C grade
MATH100 may not be counted towards the mathematics minor, major or honors degree requirements.
Students with a passing grade in MATH157 or MATH151 may not take this course for credit.

MATH151 - Calculus I

3 units
Faculty of Science – Designed for students specializing in mathematics, physics, chemistry, computing science and engineering. Logarithmic and exponential functions; trigonometric functions; and inverse functions. Limits, continuity, and derivatives. Techniques of differentiation, including logarithmic and implicit differentiation. The Mean Value Theorem. Applications of Differentiation including extrema, curve sketching, related rates, Newton's method. Antiderivatives and applications. Conic sections, polar coordinates, parametric curves.


Math Check score (26 or above) OR MATH100 with a minimum B grade OR MTH101 & MTH103 with a minimum B grade
Students with credit for MATH157 may not take MATH151 for further credit.

MATH157 - Calculus for the Social Sciences I

Breadth-Science (Before Summer 2017)
3 units
Faculty of Science – Designed for students specializing in business or the social sciences. Topics include limits, growth rate and the derivative; logarithmic exponential and trigonometric functions and their application to business, economics, optimization and approximation methods; functions of several variables.


MAP Check score (20 or above) OR MATH100 with a C minimum grade OR MTH101 & MTH103 with a B minimum grade
Students with credit for MATH151 may not take MATH157 for further credit.


Please note that PSYC109 is strongly recommended, but any other W course will also be accepted for admission to the Faculty of Health Sciences (BA). Student may not count their W course as a B-Hum course.

Elective Courses

Choose 2 courses from each list:


ARCH100 - Ancient Peoples and Places

Breadth-Social Sciences
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – A broad survey of human cultural development from the late Palaeolithic/Palaeo Indian periods (ca 40,000 BP) to the rise of civilization and empires, in both the Old and New Worlds.


No prerequisite required

ARCH131 - Human Origins

Breadth-Social Sciences
3 units
Faculty of Environment – To be offered in the future at FIC. A non-technical survey of the primate background of humans, fossil primates, and fossil humans, and the associated evidence of cultural development. An introduction to physical anthropology.


No Prerequisite Required

CMNS110 - Introduction to Communication Studies

Breadth-Social Sciences
3 units
Faculty of Communication, Art & Technology – AThe aim of this course is to provide a general introduction to a range of theories that seek to explain why we communicate as we do. The first part of the course establishes a general overview of communication theory, from both theoretical and historical points of view. We will examine the relationship between communication and social consciousness, identity development, and communication as a symbolic and performative act. The second part of the course will focus on specific fields within the area of communication, including: the study of popular culture, media analysis, advertising, journalism, and the political economy of communication.. This course is required for a major, honors or minor in communication.


No prerequisite required

CRIM101 - Introduction to Criminology

Breadth-Social Sciences
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – This course provides a basic understanding of criminological concepts and theories and a solid foundation for future criminology courses. Emphasis will be placed on developing the relationship between criminological ideas, research, practice and policy in Canada. Lectures and readings will introduce students to a range of theoretical and substantive issues in criminology. Topics will include: examination of different terms and concepts commonly used in Criminology, such as crime, delinquency, deviance, criminal, victim, rehabilitation and treatment; criminology as a body of knowledge and as a profession; position and subject matter of criminology; relationship between criminology and other academic disciplines; specificity of criminology; relationship between theory and practice; history and evolution of criminological thought; elements of continuity and discontinuity between classical and modern theories of criminality; levels of explanations in criminology; practical applications of criminology, and the foundations of a modern criminal policy.


No prerequisite required

CRIM131 - Introduction to the Criminal Justice System – A Total System Approach

Breadth-Social Sciences
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – An introductory analysis of the structure and operation of the Canadian criminal justice system. Examination of the patterns of crime and victimization; police operations, discretion and decision making; the criminal courts, including sentencing; the corrections system, including correctional institutions and community-based models; the youth justice system. Patterns of contact and conflict between various social groups and the criminal justice system.


No prerequisite required

CRIM135 - Introduction to Canadian Law & Legal Institutions

Breadth-Social Sciences
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – A general introduction to the fundamental and competing principles of jurisprudence and to the basic legal institutions of Canada. Prepares students for those law and law-related courses offered within the School of Criminology and will consider the history of Canadian law, the development of the Canadian constitution, the system of Canadian courts and the roles and responsibilities of members of the legal profession. In addition, the course will consider the nature of legal reasoning, the doctrine of precedent, principles of statutory interpretation and will also introduce the fields of contract, torts, administrative law, and family law. Also examines the process of law reform in Canada.


No prerequisite required

ECON103 - Principles of Microeconomics

Breadth-Social Sciences
4 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – The principal elements of theory concerning utility and value; price and costs; factor analysis; productivity; labor organization; competition and monopoly; and the theory of the firm.


No prerequisite required

ECON105 - Principles of Macroeconomics

Breadth-Social Sciences
4 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – The principal elements of theory concerning money and income; distribution; social accounts; public finance; international trade; comparative systems; and development and growth.


No prerequisite required

GEOG100 - Our World: Introducing Human Geography

Breadth-Social Sciences
3 units
Faculty of Environment – A geographical introduction to how humans shape our world, with attention also given to how it shapes us. Themes may include: culture, economic activities, environmental change, globalization, politics, population, resources, and urbanization.


There is a $85 Book fee associated with this course.

GEOG104 - Climate Change, Water, and Society

Breadth-Social Sciences
3 units
Faculty of Environment – To be offered in the future at FIC. An examination of climate change, its interaction with water availability, and how humans cope with altered circumstances.


No Prerequisite Required

GSWS101 - Gender Talk

Breadth-Social Sciences
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – An interdisciplinary study of the social and cultural construction of gender, and how ideas about masculinity and feminity shape current issues, knowledge, popular culture, and social policy.


No Prerequisite Required

INDG101 - Introduction to Indigenous Studies (formerly FNST101)

Breadth-Humanities (Effective Spring 2008)
Breadth-Social Sciences (Effective Spring 2008)
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – Introduces the nature and goals of Indigenous Studies as an academic discipline that emphasizes cultures and homelands of First Peoples. Students with credit for FNST 101 may not take this course for further credit.


No prerequisite required

INDG201 - Canadian Aboriginal Peoples’ Perspectives on History (Formerly FNST201)

Breadth-Social Sciences (Effective Summer 2018)
3 units
An examination of fact and ideology in history and historic events involving contact between Aboriginal and European peoples. The course will also address questions of research methodologies in studying Aboriginal/European relations, such as the evaluation of oral history and written ethnohistoric sources. An additional focus will be on gender as it influences perspectives. Students with credit for FNST201 may not take this course for further credit,


No prerequisite required

IS101 - Global Challenges of the 21st Century: An Introduction to International Studies

Breadth-Social Sciences
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – Introduces the interdisciplinary field of International Studies to all undergraduates and IS majors. Examines the major global challenges of our time, including poverty and inequality, environmental degradation, nationalism, civil war, and armed conflict. Explores the challenge of global governance and global citizenship.


LBST101 - Introducing Labour Studies

Breadth-Social Sciences
3 units
Introduction to key concepts necessary for understanding the character and organization of work in contemporary society. The discussion of such issues as how our society decides who works, what the work will be, and under what conditions people work, will be situated in the context of current debates, trends, and issues.


No Prerequisite Required

LING110 - The Wonder of Words

Breadth-Social Sciences (Effective Spring 2010)
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – Study of the structure of words, the change of meaning of words, the change in form of words. Examples from English, French and other languages. A general interest course open to all students.


Students who have taken LING110 in Fall 2009 or prior will NOT receive B-Soc designation.
This course is no longer offered at FIC.

LING111 - The Wonder of Words

Breadth-Social Sciences
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – Introduces the linguistic pathways by which selected contemporary English vocabulary has arisen. Word etymologies are derived through the application of analytical tools leading to a deeper understanding of language change and word meaning.


Students with credit for LING110 may not take this course for further credit.

LING220 - Introduction to Linguistics

Breadth-Social Sciences (Effective Spring 2010)
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – This class is an introductory study of how language works and the complexities of human language. The course focuses on the central topics of modern linguistic science: Phonetics - the production, transmission, and perception of speech sounds, Phonology - the patterning of speech sounds, Morphology - word structure, Syntax - sentence structure, and Semantics - meaning.


No prerequisite required

PHIL105 - Critical Thinking (Formerly PHIL001)

Breadth-Science (Effective Summer 2016)
Breadth-Social Sciences (Effective Summer 2016)
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – An introduction to the evaluation of arguments as they are encountered in everyday life. The central aim will be to sharpen skills of reasoning and argumentation by understanding how arguments work and learning to distinguish those which actually prove what they set out to show from those which do not.


No prerequisite required

POL100 - Introduction to Politics and Government

Breadth-Social Sciences
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – A comprehensive introduction to the study of politics and government for both political science majors and students specializing in other disciplines. The course will explore the major concepts, methods, approaches and issues in political science, as well as the primary components of government structure and the political process.


There is a $75 Book fee associated with this course.

POL141 - War, International Cooperation and Development (Formerly POL241)

Breadth-Social Science (Effective Fall 2016)
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – Theory and practice of international politics, diplomacy, hot war, cold war, alliances and the role of leaders. Students who have taken .


POL 241 may not take this course for further credit.
There is a $90 Book fee associated with this course.

POL151 - Justice and Law

Breadth-Social Sciences
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – The development of laws and their application to the citizen and social groups. Special consideration will be given to civil liberties.


No Prerequisite Required

POL232 - US Politics

Breadth-Social Sciences
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – An examination of the American political system, including the presidency, the congress, the courts, the bureaucracy and the party system.


POL100 with a minimum D grade

PSYC100 - Introduction to Psychology I

Breadth-Social Sciences
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – Acquaints the student with the major issues in contemporary psychology and considers the historical antecedents. Special attention is given to questions of methodology and research design in psychology. Topics in physiological psychology, perception, learning, and motivation are considered.


No prerequisite required

PSYC102 - Introduction to Psychology II

Breadth-Social Sciences
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – Acquaints the student with major issues in contemporary psychology and considers their historical antecedents. Topics in learning, cognition, social psychology and abnormal psychology are considered.


PSYC100 is recommended but not required.

REM100 - Global Change

Breadth-Social Sciences
3 units
Faculty of Environment – To be offered in the future at FIC. This course provides students with an overview of global environmental change and its causes from a social science perspective, historically and at the present time. Population growth, an increasing ecological footprint and changes in ideology, social organization, economy and technology with be critically reviewed. New ways of thinking in natural and social science will be considered in relation to specific issues such as land, soil and food; energy, raw materials and solid waste; air pollution and transportation; water, oceans and fisheries; climate change; forestry and biodiversity; urbanization, and alternative futures.


No Prerequisite Required



CA135 - Introduction to Cinema (Formerly FPA135)

Breadth-Humanities (Effective Fall 2015)
3 units
Faculty of Communications, Arts and Technology – An introductory course designed to facilitate a fundamental understanding of film technique, style and form in order to develop the skills with which to analyze films of all genres. Through lectures and screenings it will provide an overview of the social, aesthetic and technical development of motion pictures, introducing tools for the formal analysis of the elements of cinema: cinematography and lighting, art direction, performance, editing, sound and the screenplay. The formal and historical elements of documentary, avant-garde and dramatic films will be addressed. The course will involve the screening and discussion of several complete feature films and shorts, as well as excerpts from others.


No prerequisite required

ENGL112 - Literature Now (Formerly ENGL101)

Breadth-Humanities (Effective Fall 2016)
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences - Introduces students to contemporary works of literature in English and/or contemporary approaches to interpreting literature. May focus on one or multiple genres. Includes attention to writing skills.


Open to students who have passed 3 UTP II Classes
Students with credit for ENGL101 may not take this course for further credit.

ENGL113 - Literature and Performance

Breadth-Humanities (Effective Fall 2016)
3 units
Introduces students to plays and performance works created and adapted for the stage, and/or the performative dimensions of other literary forms. May be organized historically, generically or thematically. The course may also explore the links between literary and performance theory. Includes attention to writing skills.


Open to students who have passed 3 UTP II Classes

ENGL115 - Literature and Culture (Formerly ENGL105)

Breadth-Humanities (Effective Fall 2016)
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – An Introduction to the study of literature within the wider cultural field, with a focus on contemporary issues across genres and media.


Open to students who have passed 3 UTP II Classes
Students with credit for ENGL105 may not take this course for further credit.

ENSC100 - Engineering, Science and Society

Breadth-Humanities (Effective Fall 2010)
3 units
Faculty of Applied Science – Reviews the different modes of thought characteristic of science, engineering and computing. Examines the histories and chief current research issues in these fields. Considers the ethical and social responsibilities of engineering and computing work.


Open to students who have passed 3 UTP II Classes
Corequisite: ENSC105

HIST102 - Canada Since Confederation

3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – A survey of Canadian history since 1867.


No prerequisite required

HIST204 - The Social History of Canada

3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – A survey of major themes in Canadian social history from the arrival of Europeans to the present day. Particular attention will be paid to the effects of gender, race and class on the experience to Canadians over time.


HIST102 / WL101 or ENGL112 / ENGL115 with a minimum C- grade

IAT110 - Visual Communication Design

Breadth-Humanities (Effective Fall 2014)
3 units
Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology - Visual communication for art and design in digital media. Students learn the fundamentals of digital raster and vector image creation. Design principles such as form, typography and colour theory as they apply to digital media will be taught. Students will have core projects in digital photography, magazine layout, and kinetic typography.


Primarily for non-SIAT majors; while SIAT majors may take the course, it does not count for credit for SIAT degree requirements.

INDG101 - Introduction to Indigenous Studies (formerly FNST101)

Breadth-Humanities (Effective Spring 2008)
Breadth-Social Sciences (Effective Spring 2008)
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – Introduces the nature and goals of Indigenous Studies as an academic discipline that emphasizes cultures and homelands of First Peoples. Students with credit for FNST 101 may not take this course for further credit.


No prerequisite required

IS101 - Global Challenges of the 21st Century: An Introduction to International Studies

Breadth-Social Sciences
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – Introduces the interdisciplinary field of International Studies to all undergraduates and IS majors. Examines the major global challenges of our time, including poverty and inequality, environmental degradation, nationalism, civil war, and armed conflict. Explores the challenge of global governance and global citizenship.


WL101 - Writing in World Literature

3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences - Explores literary texts from diverse linguistic and cultural origins while introducing students to the fundamentals of comparative literary analysis and critical writing. May examine cross-cultural interactions, or compare texts thematically. Writing/Breadth-Humanities.


Open to students who have passed 3 UTP II Classes. Students with credit for WL102 may not take this course for further credit.

WL201 - East/West

Breadth-Humanities (Effective Fall 2009)
3 units
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – Explores the relationship between Eastern and Western narratives. The focus may include the mutual influence of Eastern and Western cultural traditions and modernity’s, the construction of the ‘East’ in the West and of the ‘West’ in the East, theories of Orientalism and Occidentalism, and forms of East/West syncretism.


WL101 or HIST102 & HIST204; or ENGL112; or ENGL115


Other courses taken at FIC but not offered in this program may count for credit.  Please see an advisor.

Please note that your Writing (W) course cannot be counted as your B-Hum elective.

*Courses and programs are subject to change without notice. If you have any questions, please contact the student success advising team.

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