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FIC Photography Team Presents: It’s Summertime! Photography Exhibition

Date:   17 Jun 2023
Time:   00:00
Fee: Free
Organizer: Photography Team, Student Experience
Categories: Community, Social

Are you interested in photography? Do you have amazing photos that you want to share with others? Here’s a chance to show the FIC community your amazing shots!

Photography Exhibition

The FIC Photography Team Photography Exhibition  photo submission has now begun! Submit your best shots for a chance for your photo to be chosen as part of the exhibition. At the Photography Exhibition there will be school-wide voting with an opportunity to win great prizes!

The theme for this Photography Exhibition & Contest is ‘It’s Summertime!’ and it’s divided into 2 categories: 

  1. Vancouver Summer landscape and nature: Vancouver is an amazing city full of natural beauty and diverse culture, so take this opportunity to show us one of your best shots of your Vancouver life experiences!
  2. Vancouver Summer activities: There are so many fun activities that can be enjoyed during Summer. Whether it’s hiking, water sports, volleyball, fishing or any other Summer sports and activities, share with us how you like to enjoy the Summer!

You can submit photos for only one or for both categories, the choice is yours!

Photo submissions will be opening on Monday, June 12th at 2:00pm and closing on Friday, June 23th at 12:00pm. 

To participate, you will need to complete an online form and the Waiver and Release Form which you can find by clicking on the button below. Please check your FIC email for more information on how to submit your photos and to access the online form.

Photography Exhibition Waiver and Release Form
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